
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Proud \\
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• Haughton, LA, USA
• Registered on 5/27/2016
• 2 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:5/27/2016 14:35
Hello! I just last week purchased a 1999 Crown Victoria LX with only 79,000 miles on it for $3900.00. It has the honeycomb wheels, dual exhaust, air suspension, flawless leather interior, (outside is flawless also.. only one tiny scratch on the whole car).. Digital dash, dual power seats... and I have fell in love! Never thought I\\'d have a Crown Vic, but saw it on Craigslist- low miles, clean carfax, serviced at Ford dealership every 3000 miles, cold air, looks and drives new... so did some research on them (how I found this site) and bought it! Think I got a great deal! Only two things wrong with the car that I shall soon fix.. one foggy headlamp and needs new hood shocks. It does still have the plastic intake manifold... wonder if I should go ahead and replace it? Found a shop that will do it for $400.00 if I get the part.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
Proud \\
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